Thursday, December 12, 2013

Chicken Run

We were blessed with a special donation to purchase chickens back in July. A team had come to build a space for them in our backyard. After months of having them cooped up, it was time to get out and run around a bit. The hens wandered about the yard picking at grass and scraps. 

The children were the most thrilled of all. They couldn't stop chasing and carrying and trying to scare the poor chickens. 

Some of our kids got particularly attached to the hens. 

I can't say the same for myself. The kids followed me around trying to get me to hold a chicken but they were unsuccessful and I had to hide in the office until it was time to put the chickens back in their coop. I was content that we were able to keep the kids busy for another day. Some of them are getting restless during these 2 months of break from school. Pray that our new kids would get along with each other and that they would have a restful yet productive break before school starts up again in January.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

American Doughnuts

Last week we picked up a donation of "donas" to share with the women and children at El Refugio. Our director Gladys had been in contact with American Doughnuts, a company that sells... well, American-tasting doughnuts. We sent them our info and they approved us for a weekly doughnut donation. 

Maybe not the healthiest snack, but the kids were sure excited and we eagerly accepted the donation. So, thank you American Doughnuts and thank you God for providing. We will continue to seek other organizations and companies willing to support us with weekly or monthly donations. Please pray with us for God to continue opening doors for this ministry.

Even our littlest got his own doughnut :)

Staff and children enjoying the doughnuts

Friday, September 20, 2013

Baby Shower para Lala

This morning we threw a baby shower for one of our newest ladies, Angelica (Lala) who is 8 months pregnant. She came to us about a month ago and was planning on giving away her baby. With prayers and counseling she has decided to keep her baby, who she found out will be a girl! Praise God! 

At the party we had games with prizes, snacks, delicious cupcakes made by our missionary counselor Nishe and a beautiful time of prayers to bless the baby to come. 

Rosalva directs a game where Lala is blindfolded.

We are thankful for the support of the other ladies as well as staff, volunteers and friends who came and brought wonderful gifts including lots of diapers!!! Those will come in handy very soon!

 Carlota giving Lala a hug and some words of blessing during a silly game.
I finally got on the other side of the camera for a picture with Lala as the party was ending.

Thelma's oldest daughter knitted this precious newborn hat for the baby. So adorable.

More cute gifts from friends.

Please continue praying for baby Deysi Eulalia as she is currently in breech position and only weighs 4lbs though she is due in 2 weeks! Thanks again to all who support El Refugio events, whether here in Guatemala or supporting from afar. Your prayers and donations help make these moments possible.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Despedida a nuestra Ana

Today we had our goodbye get together for Ana, a woman who has been in our program for over two years. We will miss her greatly, but know that God has a plan for her and will be at her side as she transitions into her new place in a different town.

After eating lunch with most of us board members and the shelter ladies, we had a nice prayer time to bless and strengthen Ana before she left. It got a little teary. I know I will miss Ana's upbeat attitude and all of our jokes and sarcasm. It will be hard to adjust with her gone. She has been such a big help to the house administrators, always happy to do a favor.

Please remember Ana and her 3 year old son in your prayers the next few weeks as she adjusts to her new home and life. And if you'd like to support Ana in her continued studies or with a donation to purchase items for her house, please let us know and we will help make that happen.

~El Refugio Team

Thursday, May 2, 2013

A visit from new friends

This past Friday, the shelter was blessed with a visit by some local University students. We knew they were coming to spend time with the children, but they surprised us all with small gifts, a piƱata, pizza for everyone and lots of games. Oh, and best of all, they brought a huge food donation that they had collected from the community. What a wonderful blessing and fun way to spend our Friday evening.

It wasn't the first time these young people have come to visit us and we pray that it isn't the last. They told us they would like to come every month and bring a food donation and spend time with the kids and the women. They are also going to see how they can help us more financially by talking to their University and other students and friends to get involved and donate food and other resources to the shelter.
University students act out a play for the children. We laughed so hard when the stuffed lion came on stage.

It was truly wonderful to see these students full of passion to help and serve the people in their country. I hope this relationship continues to grow and they we can bless them as they have blessed us.

Hit it hard, girl!

 Candy for everyone!

Meanwhile the ladies were able to continue their crochet lesson which they have every Friday afternoon.

Look at all the food they brought!

Staff development "retreat"

Back in February all of the staff from El Refugio got together for some professional development time. We began with prayer time as a group. What a wonderful way to begin a day of hard work and problem solving. Our first goal was to come up with a concrete vision and mission for El Refugio and how we would cooperate to accomplish the goal~ how can we be His hands and feet?? 

After a short devotional from Susan and a lesson from Jessie on servant leadership, we began the afternoon with some group activities and brainstorming. There were 4 main areas or pillars that we addressed which were  Unity and Teamwork, Boundaries and Professionalism, Respect for our Ladies, and Good Communication. We worked as a group to share and communicate ways we could improve each of these areas. The day was full of laughter and even some tears. We didn't quite finish with everything we hoped to cover so we plan on finishing up in the next week or two during one of our weekly staff meetings. 

 Rachel and Pamela writing down ideas for Splash board activity

Sorry, this blog is coming late. I wasn't able to send it out a few weeks ago as I meant to! Please pray that we can continue growing and improving as a ministry, specifically in the 4 areas I mentioned above.