Friday, September 20, 2013

Baby Shower para Lala

This morning we threw a baby shower for one of our newest ladies, Angelica (Lala) who is 8 months pregnant. She came to us about a month ago and was planning on giving away her baby. With prayers and counseling she has decided to keep her baby, who she found out will be a girl! Praise God! 

At the party we had games with prizes, snacks, delicious cupcakes made by our missionary counselor Nishe and a beautiful time of prayers to bless the baby to come. 

Rosalva directs a game where Lala is blindfolded.

We are thankful for the support of the other ladies as well as staff, volunteers and friends who came and brought wonderful gifts including lots of diapers!!! Those will come in handy very soon!

 Carlota giving Lala a hug and some words of blessing during a silly game.
I finally got on the other side of the camera for a picture with Lala as the party was ending.

Thelma's oldest daughter knitted this precious newborn hat for the baby. So adorable.

More cute gifts from friends.

Please continue praying for baby Deysi Eulalia as she is currently in breech position and only weighs 4lbs though she is due in 2 weeks! Thanks again to all who support El Refugio events, whether here in Guatemala or supporting from afar. Your prayers and donations help make these moments possible.